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Affordable House Painters in Golden – Finding an Affordable Painter

Finding an affordable house painter in Golden, or anywhere for that matter, can be a challenge.  You have to take the time researching, collecting estimates, discussing the project.  Essentially it’s a huge commitment of your time and energy but how can you really know you’re making the best decision for your home?  

It seems that, with so many choices, the whole experience can get so overwhelming that you ultimately end up giving up on finding the right painter and settle for what’s “good enough”.  This can lead to an even bigger headache down the line though if you haven’t asked the right questions to find out which kind of house painter you’re looking for.  Finding an affordable house painter in Golden can seem like an impossible task but we’re here to simplify it for you with these easy tips! Keep in mind though, these tips are meant for everyone so feel free to use them in your area.

Tips for Finding an Affordable Painter:

  • Determine whether you’re looking for a small, local company or a larger firm.  There are a lot of painters out there and there are pros and cons to both small and large companies.  Obviously, larger firms do offer brand recognition and many have different payment options to suit your needs however, you will probably sacrifice the individual attention you’d receive from a smaller company. Choosing a local company keeps the money you’re spending within your community, provides a personal experience, and means you won’t get lost in the big machine of larger companies.
  • Know what your absolute must-haves are. If you know that you only want to work with a company that can take care of the paint and woodwork on your home or you have to find a painter that will meet with you for the estimate make sure you’re asking about that first thing.  Your house painter should be working for you, not you working for them.  If you understand what you’re not willing to compromise on you can weed out estimates a bit more quickly.
  • Make a connection with the person you’ll be working with.  Not all house painters are going to meet with you. They may want to swing by, take a look at the house, and drop off a bid in your mailbox.  When quality and value are really important to you and finding an affordable house painter is on the top of your list it’s critical that you actually meet someone from the company and have the opportunity to make a connection.  Relationships in this industry are huge and you should feel really comfortable with the people that make up the company you’ll be working with.  This will mean you will be able to speak freely and openly about concerns, questions, and cost.
  • Prepare your questions beforehand.  This one does take a little bit of time on your end but it can really make a difference when it comes down to actually selecting your painter.  Having a good idea of what YOU want to know about your painter, their pricing, their process, etc. will mean you don’t have as many lingering questions once you’ve received your estimate.  If you’re not sure where to start we’ve put together a list of our Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Painter to give you some ideas.

Finding an affordable house painter in Golden doesn’t have to be a stressful experience if you have a clear vision, ask the right questions, and look for a company that will take the time to care about you and your project.  Determine what your budget is for the project and be honest about what you’re looking to spend.  This will not only save you time and hassle, you’ll find a company that is invested in working with you and for you.



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