How To Use the Sherwin Williams Color Visualizer Tool
What is the ColorSnap Visualizer Tool?
If you’ve ever painted your home, then you know how difficult it can be to select paint colors. If you’re struggling to find your paint colors or you’re just having trouble visualizing how your space will look once painted, then we’ve got an amazing tool for you!
Sherwin Williams created the ColorSnap Visualizer tool to help homeowners find their perfect colors and get a sense of how they will transform the space. So, today we’ll be walking you through step-by-step how to use the Visualizer tool to help select your next paint color. If you’d like more help or inspiration with colors, please check out our Design Center.
How to Use the Sherwin Williams Color Visualizer Tool
Hover over Colors on the menu bar across the top of the page and select Color Tools
On the left hand side of the screen, select ColorSnap Visualizer Tool for Web. There are other options for your phone or iPad as well. This will bring you to the ColorSnap Visualizer home screen.
Click Start Painting Now. From here you can use one of Sherwin Williams’ preset templates or upload a photo of your space. Pro tip: The Upload Your Photo option needs a bit of work as far as coloring in so if you get frustrated with that or have any difficulty there, we highly recommend using a preset template. If you choose to use the preset interior templates, you can even change them from day to night to “view” the color under different lighting.
If you do choose to upload your photo, you can use several features such as paint area, paint brush, eraser, define the area, and remove area. The tool will walk you through each of the tools should you choose this option.
When you select a preset template, you are typically given three options to “color in”: the body of the home, trim, and an accent, although some of the templates do not have an accent. Now you just need to add colors to your color palette and you’re nearly ready to go!
To add colors click the + Add a Color in the My Color Palette. You can select from the large palette of colors or use the search bar to find a specific color. Once you find the color you’d like to look at click the + in the bottom left corner of the color square as shown here.
You can add up to eight colors in a single color palette. Once you have your colors selected, click Close in the top right corner. This will take you back to your image.
To color in an area, select the color you’d like to see from your color palette and click the area you want to color in; body, trim, or accent. This should fill in that space accordingly.
If you are using your own photo, this function may not work as well, and we recommend utilizing the brush tool to manually color in the areas as needed. Using a stylus for this can be very helpful on a touch screen!
As you go through and check out colors you may decide certain colors aren’t going to work. To remove unwanted colors from your color palette simple click the small trash can icon next to the color name.
Another great feature to take advantage of here is the coordinating colors box. When you click on it, each color should have a small box to the right of the color name with three suggested, or coordinated colors. If you click that box you should have a pop up that will show you Sherwin Williams’ suggested coordinating colors! You can easily add these colors to your color palette by clicking the + right in the pop up. This is such an easy way to determine what will go with a body, trim, or accent color so we love this additional color tool!
There is also an Expert Color Picks on the right side of the Shewin Williams Colorsnap Visualizer tool that you can expand to view which has recommended colors!
Once you have an option (or two) that you love, you can download your image right from the visualizer.
We hope this has helped you to better utilize this outstanding color tool and it makes choosing your next paint colors a little easier! For more color help be sure to check out the Kind Home Solutions Design Center.